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ShaderX5: Advanced Rendering Techniques
48 Articles, Edited by Wolfgang Engel, 2006.

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Geometry Manipulation

Smoothed N-Patches

Holger Gruen
ShaderX5, 2006.

Micro-beveled Edges

Homam Bahnassi and Wessam Bahnassi
ShaderX5, 2006.

Dynamic Wrinkle Patterns and Hatching on Animated Meshes

J�rn Loviscach
ShaderX5, 2006.

Cloth without Cloth

Homam Bahnassi and Wessam Bahnassi
ShaderX5, 2006.

Rendering Techniques

A Simple Area Light Model for GPUs

Aick in der Au
ShaderX5, 2006.

Alpha-to-Coverage in Depth

Kevin Myers
ShaderX5, 2006.

Practical Parallax Occlusion Mapping with Approximate Soft Shadows for Detailed Surface Rendering

Natalya Tatarchuk
ShaderX5, 2006.

Preprocessing of Complex, Static Scenes for Fast Real-time Graphics

Max Dennis Luesebrink and Kurt Pelzer
ShaderX5, 2006.

Overcoming Deferred Shading Drawbacks

Frank Puig Placeres
ShaderX5, 2006.

Normal Mapping without Precomputed Tangents

Christian Sch�ler
ShaderX5, 2006.

Animating Vegetation Using GPU Programs

Ali Botorabi
ShaderX5, 2006.

ZT-Buffer Algorithm

David Pangerl
ShaderX5, 2006.

Image Space

Real-time Depth-of-Field Implemented with a Postprocessing-Only Technique

David Gillham
ShaderX5, 2006.

Selective Supersampling

Emil Persson
ShaderX5, 2006.

Jump Flooding: An Efficient and Effective Communication Pattern for Use on GPUs

Guodong Rong and Tiow-Seng Tan
ShaderX5, 2006.


Cascaded Shadow Maps

Wolfgang Engel
ShaderX5, 2006.

Multisampling Extension for Gradient Shadow Maps

Christian Sch�ler
ShaderX5, 2006.

Alias-Free Hard Shadows with Geometry Maps

ShaderX5, 2006.

Edge Masking and Per-Texel Depth Extent Propagation For Computation Culling During Shadow Mapping

John R. Isidoro
ShaderX5, 2006.

Queried Virtual Shadow Maps

Markus Giegl and Michael Wimmer
ShaderX5, 2006.

Real-time Soft Shadows with Shadow Accumulation

L�szl?Szirmay-Kalos and Barnab�s Asz�di
ShaderX5, 2006.

Environmental Effects

Spherical Billboards for Rendering Volumetric Data

Tam�s Umenhoffer, L�szl?Szirmay-Kalos and G�bor Sz�j�rt?br>ShaderX5, 2006.

Per-Pixel Lit, Light Scattering Smoke

Aurelio Reis
ShaderX5, 2006.

Volumetric Clouds and Mega-Particles

Homam Bahnassi and Wessam Bahnassi
ShaderX5, 2006.

Rendering Multiple Layers of Rain with a Postprocessing Composite Effect

Natalya Tatarchuk
ShaderX5, 2006.

Animation and Rendering of Underwater God Rays

Stefano Lanza
ShaderX5, 2006.

Global Illumination Effects

Irradiance Volumes for Real-time Rendering

Chris Oat
ShaderX5, 2006.

Indirect Diffuse and Glossy Illumination on the GPU

Istv�n Laz�nyi and L�szl?Szirmay-Kalos
ShaderX5, 2006.

Interactive Refractions and Caustics Using Image-Space Techniques

Chris Wyman
ShaderX5, 2006.

Splatting of Diffuse and Glossy Indirect Illumination

Carsten Dachsbacher and Marc Stamminger
ShaderX5, 2006.

Mobile Devices Section

OpenGL ES 2.0: Shaders for Mobile Devices

Kristof Beets
ShaderX5, 2006.

Developing a 3D Engine for OpenGL ES v2.0 and OpenGL v2.0

Dan Ginsburg
ShaderX5, 2006.

OpenGL ES 2.0 Performance Recommendations for Mobile Devices

Kristof Beets
ShaderX5, 2006.

Real-time Tile-Based Texture Synthesis Using Nonregular Grids

Georg Kolling
ShaderX5, 2006.

Cartoon Fire Effects Using OpenGL ES 2.0

David Minor
ShaderX5, 2006.

3D Engine Design

Postprocessing Effects in Design

Aurelio Reis
ShaderX5, 2006.

Transparent Shader Data Binding

Dustin Franklin
ShaderX5, 2006.

Designing Plug-in Shaders with HLSL

Wessam Bahnassi
ShaderX5, 2006.

Shader System Integration: Nebula2 and 3ds Max

Kim Hyoun Woo
ShaderX5, 2006.

Beyond Pixels and Triangles

Large Crowds of Autonomous Animated Characters Using Fragment Shaders and Level of Detail

Erik Mill�n, Benjam�n Hern�ndez, and Isaac Rudom�n
ShaderX5, 2006.

Interactive Image Segmentation Based on GPU Cellular Automata

Frank Nielsen
ShaderX5, 2006.

Real-time Cellular Texturing

Andrew Griffiths
ShaderX5, 2006.

Collision Detection Shader Using Cube-Maps

Rahul Sathe
ShaderX5, 2006.

A GPU Panorama Viewer for Generic Camera Models

Frank Nielsen
ShaderX5, 2006.

Explicit Early-Z Culling for Efficient Fluid Flow Simulation

Pedro V. Sander, Natalya Tatarchuk, and Jason L. Mitchell
ShaderX5, 2006.

Storing and Accessing Topology on the GPU: A Case Study on Mass-Spring Systems

Carlos A. Dietrich, Jo�o L. D. Comba, and Luciana P. Nedel
ShaderX5, 2006.

Implementing High-Quality PRNG on GPUs

Wai-Man Pang, Tien-Tsin Wong, and Pheng-Ann Heng
ShaderX5, 2006.

Print Shader for Debugging Pixel Shaders

Alexander Ehrath
ShaderX5, 2006.

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